
What does it mean?

A Endangered species is categorized as very likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide, or in a particular political jurisdiction.



Animals that are considered Endangered have an increased risk of extinction because of a sudden and rapid decrease in population or a loss of its critical habitat. In many cases, loss of habitat is due to humans destroying natural habitats to make room for roads, houses, businesses or other types of industry. There has been a rapid population declines of 50 to more than 70 percent over the previous 10 years (or three generations), a current population size of fewer than 250 individuals, or other factors.

Endangered due to habitat loss/fragmentation, road mortality, agricultural machinery mortality, predators, poaching, invasive plants, degraded water quality, emerging diseases.

Grow to between 5.5 and 7.9 inches in straight carapace length.

They have soft, dense fur covering their body to keep them warm in their high altitude environment, including a bushy tail that helps with balance and acts as a blanket. They are approximately the size of a housecat and resemble a raccoon more than a giant panda.

Depending on where these dart frogs live, the color of them can vary. The most common natural colorations are the metallic golden color, their namesake, and a minty green. Some of the frogs also have small, black marks on their noses and toes, but this isn't always the case! When they are young, they are fully black except a small pair of golden stripes down the back and belly of the frogs, as they mature, their stripes spread over their body and they take on their full coloration. They have 4 unwebbed toes on each foot (they don't swim like other frogs!) and a bony, teeth-like plate in their upper jaw (unlike most other dart frogs).

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