Near Threatened

What does it mean?

Near threatened animals are likely to become threatened within the foreseeable future without intervention.

Near Threatened


The number one cause of an animal being threatened is habitat loss. Other causes can include changes to their habitat, the introduction of harmful invasive species, pollution, and the unchecked spread of non-native diseases.

The American Guinea Hog has a thin and wiry black coat, which makes them sensitive to sun. One of he reasons they roll in the mud is to protect their skin form the sun and bugs. They also have large, upright ears that are especially hairy to keep dirt and bugs out of them when they root (using their snout to dig in the ground for tasty treats). They have an especially flexible snout, which is helpful when foraging for food. American Guinea hogs are also known as wild boars.

The most abundant of the world's cranes. Long-legged, long-necked bird with a noticeable patch of bald, red skin on the top of its head.

Their feathers offer excellent camouflage so they are hard to spot. They are intricately patterned in brown, tan, rust, and black. Males have a black-and-white head pattern. Females have a tan throat and eyebrows.

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