Pallas Cat
They are carnivores and prey upon small rodents and birds. These cats are crepuscular hunters, meaning they hunt mostly during dawn and dusk.
Pallas Cats live in grassland plains without trees in Asia up to 13,000 feet in elevation. of Iran, southern Asia, and western China.
Pallas cats, also known as the manul, their flat forehead and low ears allow them to peek over bushes and rocks without exposing themselves to their prey. Instead of closing to a slit like other small cats, Pallas cat pupils close to form a small circle. A thick coat of shaggy fur and a long, bushy tail help combat extreme temperatures that reach lows nearing -60ºF.
Did you Know?
The Pallas Cats were one of the first two modern cats to progress about 12 million years ago.
How can I Help?
Pallas Cats used to be hunted for their fur, but are now a legally protected species. They are regarded as beneficial to the environment now because they feed on agricultural pests, such as mice and rats. For AZA (Associate of Zoos and Aquariums) and within the SSP (Species Survival Plan) a plan is being put into place that will serve to maximize genetic variation within the captive population.